Monday, May 4, 2015

Whales have elastic nerves –


whales eat, they make a lot of their mouth at once larger, so they get a lot in in one bite. Canadian scientists have now discovered how the whales do exactly that. The animals appear to have a unique trick: the nerves in their mouth and tongue can stretch like a rubber band. They are twice as long and shoot after eating back into their old form


 Photo: AFP

Researchers from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver write about it in the scientific journal Current Biology, which was released Monday. The stretchable nerves were not previously been found. Further research should clarify whether other animals might also have the trick. The researchers think the croak of the frog bladder and the tongue of the chameleon. If a nerve of a human is awarded, which actually leads to a loss.

Whales, such as humpbacks and blue whales eat plankton and small fish. They take a huge bite of water, 60,000 liters of water at once, and then filter it through the so-called baleen plates in their mouths. The water is expelled again, fish and plankton persist and are digested




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