Saturday, May 23, 2015

Google asks patent for intelligent toys to – De Morgen

The teddy that develops Google, for example, there are microphones installed in the ears, cameras in the eyes and a motor in the neck. In this way, the toy can respond to sound. It would even be capable of a number of in advance to answer registered commands.

via wireless technology (Wi-Fi or Bluetooth), it would also be able to make its contact with other electronic devices. In theory, therefore, play music or a movie on the orders of the child. It could even use can be made of face recognition, so that the device can recognize the different members of a family.

The patent is a question of an “anthropomorphic device, which may take the form of a doll, an animal, a mythical figure or an inanimate object. ” The inventors are Richard and Daniel Wayne Devaul Amizande.


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