Thursday, May 28, 2015

Now live at the Google I / O 2015 keynote – Macworld

The ball will be opened tonight by Sundar Pichai, currently senior vice president at Google, where he is responsible for Android, Chrome and Google Apps. Count anyway back on such a half hours Google violence with announcements of many new software and possibly even physical products. Central will be the new Android version ‘M’ stand


But the attendees at the developer conference will then feast on all areas of the day Google is active today. Earlier today Macworld wrote all what you can expect tonight and tomorrow at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. The full program of Google I / O 2015 can be found here.

I / O and continues Google’s most important event of the year, so expect plenty of fireworks over the next two days. To begin at the opening keynote, which in disaster tempo one after another Google innovation to get your ears orgies. Enjoy and if you still have some time, please read already:

9 new features of Google I / O 2015

live Broadcast follow at 18:30 here:

Google I / O 2015 keynote


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