Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Large cemetery of Hunebed builders found in Dalfsen – NU.nl

This informs the municipality Dalfsen Tuesday.

A total of 120 graves ” spectacular grave ” and an earthen monument unearthed from the time of the Hunebed builders. These include measures to stone axes, flint arrowheads and knives.

The discovery of remains of a house next to the cemetery and along a 5,000 year old road, according to the Overijssel municipality a first for the Netherlands.

“This research sheds new insight into the primal Dutchman, the first people who settled here permanently and no longer hunter-gatherers roamed, ” states the municipality.

According to The Stentor in the area excavated at least six archaeological sites. Inter alia, complete pots have been unearthed.

From research had shown that there are probably sites from Roman times, the Middle Ages and the Iron and Stone Age would be in the area. Archaeologists from ADC ArcheoProjecten doing research in the area associated with construction plans of the municipality.

Earlier this year, found a number of funnel cups. The funnel-shaped jars, which were used 5,300 years ago to store food were unearthed in February. The pots often went along with graves.

The necropolis measures 120 by 20 meters. The municipality presented the findings Wednesday

By:. ANP / NU.nl


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