Thursday, May 14, 2015

Microsoft comes with six basic versions of the new Windows 10 – Tech News

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Windows 10 comes in six different versions on the market, the company has announced. In addition to the six new variants also come separate versions which are suitable for this is still unknown. The computer comes standard with Microsoft, such as some versions.

Windows 10

For computer users comes with Microsoft Windows 10 home consumers. For companies, there is a choice between Windows 10 and Windows 10 Pro Enterprise. Enterprise is primarily suitable for large enterprises. In addition comes Mircrosoft Windows 10 Education for educational institutions. This version is based on Windows 10 Enterprise. Also for the mobile platform there will be two different versions, including Windows 10 and Windows Mobile 10 Mobile Enterprise.

In addition to the six versions, there are also versions of the operating system which are suitable for cash machines and other appliances on Windows run. An official release date is still unknown, but is expected around the summer



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