Monday, May 4, 2015

Internet is for everyone? Everything is for Facebook? –


free mobile internet for everyone. Sounds generous, like a dream. But there is criticism of the plan, Facebook also badly connected parts of the world to assist net. called the platform that Facebook wants to make internet accessible. Users of mobile networks that Facebook works, so can use a limited number of online services. Without having to pay for the data used. Wikipedia for example, or BBC News. Weather Site AccuWeather. And of course Facebook itself.

But there was much criticism of the proposal. Facebook would net neutrality (the openness of the Internet) compromise by allowing only a limited number of companies offer the service. New Internet via is only in contact with a limited number of services, which have been approved by Facebook and controlled. In addition, if a charity would be disguised, making it for the layman is not clear what it is. A commercial service, owned by a company

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But Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg defends himself. Today he made known open propose more companies, provided they meet certain conditions. A: it should not be a data-hungry services such as YouTube or Skype. Two, they should do it both cheap and expensive phones. Https, JavaScript or Flash are therefore not allowed. And three: they should encourage the use of the Internet so that users are persuaded to pay

In a minute-long video monologue makes Zuckerberg his point.. First, it is “not sustainable throughout the Internet to give away for free,” he says. “It costs tens of billions each year to keep the Internet in the sky, and no operator can afford that if everything would be free.”

“But it is durable to build a free basic service that is simpler, uses less data and works on all phones. “

We had to start somewhere, Zuckerberg defends himself. According to him, there are two definitions of network neutrality “reasonable” and “extreme”. It should be clear which side of the debate in which he classifies definition.

Stolt criticism?

Not at all. A volunteer from the action group Save the Internet holds objections, he says the BBC.

“Because of the competitive element of If my competitor is over, I am also compelled to do. And all data is available for Facebook. And because security is prohibited via https, also for telecom operators and governments “

But there are obviously other sounds:.

What about the Internet usage in the world?

  • Nearly three billion people have Internet access, according to the UN.
  • Two thirds of this comes from a first world country.
  • 32 percent have access to a mobile Internet connection.
  • In the EU, the percentage of people who have never used the Internet, the highest in Romania (39 percent), Bulgaria (37 percent) and Greece (33 percent) .
  • The percentage of people who have never used the Internet is lowest in Denmark (3 percent), Luxembourg (4 percent) and the Netherlands (5 percent).

More data on Internet use here, here and here

Read more about this.
Mark Zuckerberg

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