Friday, May 15, 2015

Do you have a better concentration than a goldfish? – Yahoo! News

We could rather have 12 seconds to hold our attention, now that is no longer than 8 seconds. A goldfish has 9 seconds better concentration. Here are some tips to beat those goldfish.

Microsoft did a survey among 2000 Canadians on the influence of smartphones and tablets in our daily lives. It shows that we have more problems with our smartphones to concentrate on things than before.

Test your concentration

Set your stopwatch for 10 seconds. That’s the time you get to count the number of Fs that you see below this text. The correct answer under this article


Source:. Laser Focus, Mark Tigchelaar

A poor concentration in all kinds of unpleasant situations, such as when reading a text during meetings or while studying. According memory trainer Mark Tigchelaar our concentration is determined by a number of factors: how well you pay attention to how well you can focus and well-functioning memory. He gives a few tips to improve it.

6 tips to help you focus better than a goldfish

1. Sign while listening
If you’re bored during conversations, meetings and lectures go a little drawing. If you make useless drawing little, you’re 30 percent more concentrated. It is a simple activity that blocks other distracting thoughts and make you better listen.

2. Increase your reading speed
It is a misconception that you are recording better by slowly reading the text. If you read slowly, you become distracted. If you just read faster, you have less time to think about other things. But beware: if you read too quickly, you miss information

3.. Forget multitasking
If you try to do several things at once, that does not mean that your brains are more active. Your brains are divided about the tasks that you perform. This gives you less brain activity on each task, so you’re easily distracted and make more mistakes. It helps to put your phone ordinary.

4. Read with a pen
This is an effective technique to read both more concentrated and faster. If you read under the rules moves a pen, you’re focused on that part of the text and will be less distracting. This is in the beginning maybe annoying, but after an hour it can even double your reading speed.

5. Clean out your workplace
Everything is consciously and unconsciously taken to your desk by your brains. The more there is, the more it is scanned, and the sooner you get distracted. With an empty office can be 12 percent more concentrated. Exceptionally creative people do indeed benefit from a cluttered desk and work better.

6. Read in blocks
If you read more than 60 minutes without pause, your comprehension drops by as much as 37 percent. Therefore, you better read after an hour take a short break of 10 minutes

Another little test for concentration:.

Oh, counting Fs. There are there 6. Did you know that in 10 seconds, right?


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