Monday, May 18, 2015

“BND and NSA tapped Internet Netherlands’ –


The German intelligence service BND and the American NSA, with the cooperation of the telecommunications company Deutsche Telekom Internet drained to the Netherlands, Austria and France. So says the Austrian politician Peter Pilz according to the German magazine Der Spiegel on Monday. On Tuesday he will announce more details at a news conference in Berlin


Photo: Reuters

The BND would have tapped into the Internet node DE-CIX in Frankfurt. The American colleagues NSA had also let their greedy eyes on the flow of information and were served by the Germans.

The German intelligence service, according to internal memos in 2005 by a “big omschakelactie” have tried the NSA thwart when watching German targets. Then, the BND his colleagues from the NSA or offered the opportunity to watch it there with the transit pipelines flowed through Germany.

Pilz wants the Austrian Parliament is investigating and will set a prosecution against BND employees and against Deutsche Telekom because they have been guilty of espionage against Austria.

The telecom company says to have done nothing wrong and just to have acted in line with German law. They only offered the technology for the transfer of the transit line to the BND. What intelligence did with the information and that it is routed to the NSA since we know nothing about, said a spokesman in Der Spiegel




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