Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Students perform better in school with smartphone ban – Telegraaf.nl

Schools with a smart phone ban for students score better than schools without this ban. According to a study by the London School of Economics. The smartphone, however, has a positive side. A difficult case so


phone, mobile, iphone, kids, internet, app Photo: Flickr.com

In many Dutch secondary schools the smartphone in class for educational purposes. British scientists emphasize their utility, because phones and other technical gadgets it can make learning easier and more fun. But their research also shows that the smartphone for much distraction can cause.


The scientists examined 91 English schools where a ban on smartphones valid. The results have compared to the national average, and guess what? The schools with a ban on phones scored 6.4 percent higher. Pupils with learning disabilities were even 14 percent higher in comparison with the national average in their category. From this the researchers conclude that learning difficulties youth are easily distracted. Social media and the many games on the phone remain very attractive in class




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