Saturday, May 23, 2015

Finally lifting a glass thanks to a robotic arm – Yahoo! News

A robotic arm controlled by the brain, causes Erik Sorto after 13 years again to drink independently. The American has been paralyzed for years.

Erik Sorto was shot 13 years ago in his back. Then he became paralyzed from the neck down. A breakthrough in the research of Caltech he finally himself to lift his glass to drink

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Before he got from Caltech researchers chips implemented in his brain that transmit cues if he wants to move the connected arm prosthesis. That is new, because this kind of chips normally go to a place in the brain from which muscles are controlled. And, as it turns out: controlling muscles that you have not, is less effective than the transfer of intent

By thinking about the intention, the poor understand much better what Sorto wants, rather. he must remember the details of each step. Now he thinks; “I assume that drinking glass ‘instead of’ arm lift, stretch, glass pack, lift upward. However Sorto must think bigger than what he wants to achieve. To lift his arm, he has to propose his arm swinging motion, like a mill

order to perform even very simple movements perfectly, he must huge exercise. It also takes a lot of effort, but Sorto has gained more freedom. Vrijmibo which he drinks himself now, though, someone will have to open his beer while.

RTL Z Future Makers / Bright


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