Friday, May 22, 2015

“Waal flowed into Roman else ‘- De Stentor

De Waal at Nijmegen had in Roman times, a different course than today. It was also then a wide river, but the course was over a distance of fifteen kilometers almost the opposite of the current riverbed.

That RAAP archaeologists have archaeological consultancy discovered during excavation work in the basin of the busiest river of Europe. De Waal at Nijmegen get a secondary channel to protect the city from extreme floods.

Roman remains
When excavating eight to ten meters deep trench suddenly found that archaeologists were on the 2000 year old riverbed, said project manager Erik Verhelst of RAAP Friday. ,, When we looked further, we found plenty of Roman remains which are then thrown into the water. ”

Zijtak The current
Waal at Nijmegen is probably a been tributary of the main river, which the Romans used as a port. Around 900 main river has become bogged down.

RAAP digs at present remains of a medieval settlement on the original riverbed out. Verhelst calls the old riverbed at more than 350 meters from the town ,, one of the greatest discoveries ” while working on the river easing measures in the country.


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