Saturday, May 16, 2015

Criticism of ‘quack’ in Alzheimer Congress – BN De Stem

There is fuss made about the arrival of an Indian-American guru to Alzheimer Congress in Amsterdam in June. Association against Quackery find the man a “charlatan” who “gibberish” deflection.

The director of the VUmc Alzheimer Center, Philip Scheltens, criticized the coming from Deepak Chopra. Scheltens was keynote speaker at the event, and says to take an advance waiver of the speech Chopra.

The 67-year-old Chopra is a popular speaker at conferences on leadership and management, but within the medical world it is not uncontroversial. He propagates a disease therapy consisting of including a meatless diet, meditation and a healthy lifestyle. About its effects is not yet known.

No solution
Conference organizers left the choice fall on Chopra because there is as yet no solution for Alzheimer’s. ,, This means that we also need thorough explore other options to see if we can better assist patients, ” said Dinant Bekkenkamp Alzheimer Netherlands against the newspaper.

Alzheimer Netherlands also reports that the therapy Chopra is examined by a renowned Harvard scientist.

Secretary of State Martin van Rijn of Health also speak at the conference, called “The Future of Brain Health ‘at the Beurs van Berlage on 5 June.


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