Friday, May 15, 2015

Review: Apple Watch is the least bad smart watch –

The Apple Watch at the time of writing not for sale in the Netherlands, but all in some other countries. The cheapest model will eventually 399 euros will cost. tested both the small and large model, both with the cheapest sport strap

As Apple Watch works:.

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Comfort and design

Apple Watch is not in design similar to a normal piece of jewelry or watch. Apple put it so well in the market, but you obviously have a technological device to your wrist.

The watch is also quite thick, but the workmanship is excellent. The housing feels solid and sturdy, and the strap is beautiful on the clock. The build quality of competing smart watches is so far often.

Apple Watch is slightly less comfortable than a real watch. The rubber band is sometimes hot and then get irritated a little. In general, however, you carry the Apple Watch thoughtless.


The new Apple gadget runs on new software that is nothing like iOS. However, the watch should always be paired with an iPhone, otherwise lack almost all the functionalities

There are several environments available on the Apple Watch:. The home screen (with the time and additional information), the appoverzicht, touch screen and Glances

From left to right:. The home screen, and the touch screen appoverzicht

Glances are digital maps that provide quick information such as weather, stock quotes, your current location or your movements that day. You can only call Glances by dragging up from the home screen. They do not work from other screens feels illogical.

The fast search for information through Glances is one of the promising features of the Apple Watch. The watch was showing its value over the smartphone. Unfortunately load Glances often slow because the information is retrieved from the iPhone and not refreshed in the background

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Top left: Glances of settings, music, heartbeat, battery
Below left: calendar, weather, stock quotes and current location

A great app offering is the second promise Apple Watch. The appoverzicht single screen provides all installed apps. It is unfortunately still an obscure cloud with fiddly icons. Finding the proper icon is difficult.

Ultimately, both the iPhone and the iPad thanks to their good appaanbod grown. With a better overview and more new apps, can also happen to the Watch. Already, there are more services available than on Android watches sold for almost a year.

However, the quality and performance of Apple Watch apps still need to be significantly better for it really makes sense. Many apps perform poorly still poor or little comment.


Apple Watch is controlled by two physical buttons and touch screen. To the right of the clock is a digital crown and below a normal button

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Once the digital crown pressing shows the home screen, press the key again opens the appoverzicht, pressing twice quickly open the most recently opened app and by turning the crown you can sometimes zoom in and sometimes scroll.

The single button is only reserved to open the contact screen and the screen is touch sensitive so you can both hard and soft prints for different features.

That touch screen where your friends can send text messages and calls I hardly used. A text message is sent from the phone more convenient and calling for the surrounding noise is often a problem. Additionally, the environment can listen to the conversation served on the speaker.

This screen is touch sensitive, is a nice technical feat, but in practice not useful yet. You can press hard for an additional functionality in the app, such as posting a tweet in the Twitter app. The disadvantage is that not all apps have such a function and nowhere indicated if this is the case.

The number of control possibilities combined with inconsistent software creates a complex system which is not entirely of Apple. Moreover, there are some inconsistencies. You can not from any screen back and not all software controls and buttons are identical in all environments.


One of the main functions of a smart watch is displaying notifications. Apple Watch uses a new vibration motor to feel a subtle slap on the wrist when you receive a message, and that is pleasant and not annoying if you want to ignore anything here.

Apple reports, as of emails, calls or text messages, work well and look good. You can read and delete e-mails immediately, immediately answer text messages and so even make a phone call. SMS dictation via Siri went remarkably smoothly


From left to right. <- - image block end!>: Whatsapp, Snap Chat, SMS + notification options, Facebook

Third-party apps such as Whatsapp The notifications, Snap Chat Telegram and work a lot less. You can do nothing except one message read. An incoming picture is moreover not view reports from a group should always be first viewed by 1.

In addition, it often happens that when you do not look directly have and several reports, you even can not see what is stand in a notification. Then you need so you must grab iPhone before you know what is in the Whatsappjes.

Performance, battery life and screen

Apple Watch runs on a dedicated Apple-designed processor. Although it is generally operating system is running smoothly, occur every now and then hitches and delays, for example when scrolling. Especially third-party apps still respond very slowly.

The battery life is at least as Apple promises a day. I never need recharging prematurely and should in theory such a day and a half to do a single charge. A good score compared to other smart watches.

The heart rate monitor works very accurately and sportapp’s fine to use during exercise. Detailed information can later be viewed through the iPhone

From left to right:. The general operations screen and three times the sports environment

Apple Watch’s OLED screen has a resolution of 312 x 390 pixels and displays crisp text, vibrant colors and crisp images.

A big disadvantage is that the screen is not always on. If you want to see the time, a critical feature for a watch, you have to tilt your watch to allow to activate the screen. However, that only works in about 70 percent of cases which sometimes exaggerated your arm is swinging before you know what time it is.


With its promising Glances , wide range of applications, rugged housing and beautiful screen, the Apple smartwartch Watch the best of the moment. Or perhaps we should say the least worst. The functionalities are here and there namely some limited, the steering feels illogical and performance better. Apple Watch is thus truly a first version that offers prospects for the future

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  • Nice screen
  • > Solid housing
  • Excellent battery life for smart watch
  • Hitches
  • High Price
  • Complicated system

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By: Angle


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