Monday, May 18, 2015

Cookie Wall back at De Persgroep websites –


publisher De Persgroep leads on Monday from a cookie wall. That means visitors include Tweakers and the websites of the Volkskrant, Trouw, AD and Het Parool must give permission for the use of cookies before they can continue surfing the sites

Cookies are small text files that surfing behavior of Web site visitors can be tracked, for example, to enable targeted ads. De Persgroep recently received a letter from the Authority’s Consumer & amp; Market (ACM), which monitors compliance with the cookie law. It says that the current cookie message used by the websites is not enough. Therefore, the publisher has reluctantly decided to introduce a cookie wall again, Tweakers reported.

GeenStijl recently for the same reason again with a cookie wall. Other major sites received a letter from the ACM. The cookie wall in 2012 and 2013 led to much annoyance to visitors of websites. When Minister Henk Kamp said that users do not have to give explicit consent for the use of cookies, took many sites cookiemuur away and replaced them by a less intrusive cookiemelding.

In March, new force and cookieregels ACM told to strictly enforce the rules – which impose heavy fines if necessary. Under these rules, the user of a website must actively consent to place cookies on his computer or mobile phone. There is an exception for so-called functional and analytical cookies, which are designed to operate better the website




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