Sunday, May 31, 2015

Student college technique unsure of admission – Focus on News

Saturday, 30. May 2015 – 22:23 Update: 30-05-2015 22:53

But the campaign to recruit more students for technology is still in full swing. This writes the AD Saturday.

It is the first time that HBO institutions carry a fixed quota for technical studies. Studies such as biology and medical laboratory education (BML) and chemistry are so popular that the number of students has appreciated by nearly 200 percent.

There are several reasons why limit the training study places. For example, because it is difficult to find enough work placements or because the institutions are just lack of space. The business community has already indicated that they do not need even more employees than today in training in the future.

The institution with an enrollment quota lie mainly in the Randstad. Students could also try their luck at college in other parts of the country. There are 188 engineering studies. In 24 of them there is a limited enrollment.


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