Friday, May 22, 2015

Russia threatens to block Facebook, Google and Twitter – Techzine

The Russian media regulator Roskomnadzor has sent a letter to Facebook, Google and Twitter that they risk a blockade if they do not cooperate in providing information about Russian bloggers. The regulator wants to know which Russian bloggers reach more than 3,000 people per day.

The Russian government has not so much with the press and would therefore silenced by Russian bloggers, especially if they are critical the Russian government. The Russian government and regulator also want to know which Russian bloggers have a range of more than 3,000 people per day. This information, they would therefore like to receive the big tech giants like Facebook, Google and Twitter.

The US companies, however, have anything to do with freedom of the press and appear to date no longer want to work on this quest of the Russians . Therefore, the Russian regulator now threatened the websites of the three tech giants to shut down completely if they do not cooperate. What American companies are going to do is not clear.

The letter according to The Guardian that the goal of the Russians to “unapproved protests and unrest counter” .

The companies all have a procedure for governments to request information and met by mostly on well. As long as compliance with local laws and not violate company policies. In the case of the Russians, the tech giants choose enormously often to reject such requests. According to The Guardian, Facebook last year received two requests were rejected both. Google received last year 134 requests from Russia and only in 5 percent of cases, the company decided to work with. Twitter declined last year to 108 requests from the Russians.


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