Tuesday, May 12, 2015

127th Birthday Inge Lehmann commemorated by Google – PC

The problem of renowned scientists is that they are generally a lot more modest than your average pop star. Precisely because they know relatively few people, which is quite unfortunate. Take today by Google through a doodle honored Inge Lehmann. Exactly two heavy Nepalese earthquakes behind must put this seismologe best extra attention!

Seismology is the science that deals with studying, measuring and describing – yes – seismic waves. As hopefully known to occur during earthquakes and so this is the branch of science that might ever be able to predict this kind of misery. Inge Lehmann was a Danish seismologe born on May 13, 188 and deceased on 21 February 1993. After she first studied mathematics at Cambridge in both Copenhagen and she was later seized by the seismology. And as sometimes a second study followed and after she had graduated at the art she became the head of Royal Danish Geodetic Institute


One of its most famous discoveries. the fact that the earth out of “shells” is made, either: there’s more between the glowing core and crust! Due to different temperatures, pressures and other phenomena occur distinctive layers, each with their specific properties. These shells are called officially discontinuities and it is not very strange that one is named after Lehmann discovered by her skins. There is also an asteroid (number 5632 to be exact) named after her. And finally there is the Inge Lehmann Medal of the American Geophysical Union, designed for anyone who has something very special place within the seismology. Let’s hope that scientists actually ever be able to recognize the signs of a heavy bang, preferably as far in advance that people in the area over time may be evacuated.


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