Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Protein in Alzheimer brains of 10% of 50 year olds aangettroffen – Focus on News

Wednesday, 20. May 2015 – 9:06 Update: 20-05-2015 17:43

The specific protein aggregates found twenty to thirty years before dementia occurs all too present. It is remarkable that in healthy higher education greater frequency of accumulation of Alzheimer’s Protein. These are just some of the findings from a large-scale international investigation into so-called amyloid plaques, led by scientists from the VU University Medical Center Alzheimer’s and Maastricht UMC +. The results are published in the prestigious scientific journal JAMA.

disease is also the leading cause of dementia

Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. The disease is characterized among other things by memory problems, loss statement, orientation and language difficulties and ultimately behavioral changes. Alzheimer’s disease is also the leading cause of dementia. One of the earliest changes in the brains of patients is the accumulation of so-called amyloid plaques.

These are proteins that nestle disturb between nerve cells in the brain and the brain there. “But you can not say that everyone with these protein aggregates actually get Alzheimer’s,” says Pieter Jelle Visser, clinical epidemiologist at Maastricht and Amsterdam. “It is a risk factor, but not everyone with the protein accumulations will eventually become demented.”


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