Thursday, May 21, 2015

Archaeologists encounter in Dalfsen on Europe’s largest burial ground dating from the Stone Age – Look at News

Wednesday, 20. May 2015 – 12:05 Update: 21-05-2015 20:57

As many as 120 graves with dramatic grave and even an earthen monument from the time of the Hunebed builders are uncovered. The discovery of remains of a house next to the cemetery and along a 5,000 year old road, is also a first for the Netherlands.

This research sheds new insight into the “primal Dutchman,” the first people who settled here permanently and no longer hunter-gatherers roamed. An open day, a (press) presentation, a website and an app to make the finds visible to the public.

the Overijssel Dalfsen 120 of the hitherto very rare Funnel Cups excavated, the namesakes of the culture which these Stone Age people are counted. Other grave goods are stone axes, flint arrowheads and knives and two amber necklaces. The grave field measures 120 by 20 meters. Particularly the central earthen monument, now visible as an oval ditch 30 by 4 meters, which should have provided an impressive sight. The house plan was unearthed in the vicinity of the cemetery.

Primal Dutch

The period between 3400 and 2700 BC. the time of the Funnel Beaker Culture is mentioned in the canon of Dutch history, “the first farmers. These people gave the first in the northern Netherlands their nomadic existence as hunter-gatherers to become a farmer. They have left their mark on the Dutch landscape. In Drenthe, we find the dolmen as tangible remnant in Overijssel we now have for the first time the remains of an entire community into the picture.

New scientific discovery

The archaeologists ADC are ArcheoProjecten along with students from the University of Groningen, the university Saxion and The Missing Link spent months documenting the dig and store the finds. Prof. Dr. Daan Raemaekers (professor at the University of Groningen) speaks of a unique discovery: “It is a discovery you might even find in 50 years and that will our view of this period lasting change ‘

Finds. important for Dalfsen and Netherlands

Mayor Han Noten announces: “We are extremely surprised by the wonderful finds! Dalfsen appears to have been inhabited by primal Dutch “. “Despite the research is considerably better and more extensive than previously thought.” The finds show how long lived here already and how important the river Vecht even then was. The value for Dalfsen, and the national and even international importance is enormous. For the Dolmen Centre and the Drenthe Museum, this is a spectacular discovery. “


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