Tuesday, May 26, 2015

“3.2 billion people use the Internet end of 2015″ – NU.nl

It predicts the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), part of the United Nations, in an investigation. The world’s population is currently around 7.2 billion.

In developing countries to 2 billion people using the Internet, while there about 6 billion people live. That is two-thirds of the inhabitants of these countries are not online

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The report also provides specific figures on the Least developed countries in the world, including Somalia and Nepal. In the least developed countries live together about 940 million people, of which 89 million are online. That equates to 9.5 percent.

For every Internet user in the developed world are two people online in developing countries. In developed countries, 16.6 percent of the population end of 2015 online.

In addition to ITU plays that the end of 2015 more than seven billion mobile broadband subscriptions are closed. Currently used for 78 per cent of Americans and Europeans mobile Internet, while 17.4 per cent in Africa.

At the end of the year, 80 percent of Internet access to the population in developed countries have. In developing countries, this percentage is 34.

The research also looked at the growth of the Internet in the past fifteen years. ITU says that there were about 400 million people online in 2000.

By:. NU.nl


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