Sunday, May 3, 2015

Volkskrant pulls column Peter Middendorp in –

In the column of Middendorp said that no Jews were transported in cattle cars to death camps from Westerbork.

” This is incorrect. It has happened with both livestock and passenger cars. We offer our apologies for this grievous error, “the newspaper said.

Middendorp adds itself an explanation, in which he himself to blame.” “I’ve made a horrible mess of and I am ashamed me a lot of that. It’s painful that it just happens with this issue. It is here had extra care of me expected “.

” I apologize to the newspaper, the reader and especially Memorial Center Camp Westerbork and the director, Mr. Mulder, “said Middendorp.

The columnist had when writing based on a report from the NOS Radio 1 News , which went on buying a cattle wagon to exhibit in camp Westerbork. Middendorp concluded that the cattle wagon could not be original, because the Jews did not go with a lorry but ” with a passenger train. “

Only after people upset had responded to the column and had said that there is definitely cattle wagons are used, Middendorp realized he had been inaccurate.

He attributes this to ” insanity, tunnel vision, too focused on things that confirmed my ideas, or simply too stupid to double check things well. ”

By: Reuters


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