Thursday, May 7, 2015

Doctor showed dementerde patients suffering pain needlessly – De Gelderlander

A doctor in an institution for dementia in Venray has adjusted without consulting the family medicine of his patients and put stop. Thus, they were agitated, aggressive or members unnecessary pain. The setting allows investigate the abuses and culture of fear on the ward.

Complaints and reports of family members of patients about medical misconduct and the misconduct of a prompt physicians to Research at the Department of Elderly mental health institution Vincent van Gogh. There are elderly people with dementia treated in combination with severe behavioral problems. In the Netherlands, only three such departments.

The geriatrician in question would have altered or stop put to the agreements and early medication without consulting clients. These actions would have meant that the health of clients in short time hard deteriorated and unnecessary pain members.

In two cases were clients due the sudden discontinuation of the medication so restless and aggressive that they had to be tied up in bed with a Swedish band. This was against the express wishes of the families. But days later they were informed about it.

According to the families there is a great culture of fear at the department with a total of twelve clinical sites. The doctor in question is not sharing information, wants nothing to do with experiences of family members regarding medication and brooks no contradiction. It positions itself very intimidating. Many clients and families dare not therefore file a complaint or take other steps, they tell requested anonymity.

geriatrician in question is not available for reaction. Chairman Jolande Tijhuis Vincent Van Gogh says in its turn to take the stories very seriously and have engaged an external agency to make a wide research into the situation in the department. This month he completed.

Tijhuis: ,, Every complaint is one too many. We do our best every day for all patients and their families and it is very annoying as we did in some cases insufficiently seem to succeed. I have both a responsibility to clients and to employees to get the facts on the table. If necessary, we take action. “


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