Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Bits of Freedom launches Internet Freedom Toolbox –

Digital civil rights movement Bits of Freedom has an “Internet Freedom Toolbox” launched users how they can encrypt e-mail, what are the alternatives to WhatsApp and how to secure public Wi-Fi networks can be used.

According to Bits of Freedom go public and corporate careless with personal information of people, so users would be an easy target for advertisers and security. Through the toolbox Internet users can make a difference, says the civil rights movement. So it is recommended include the use of open source. That would contribute to a safer and freer use of internet.

There will also be privacy-friendly search engines covered, protecting files and encrypted chat. “The Internet Freedom Toolbox is the address for all your questions about privacy, freedom and security online. With practical advice and tips, as well as direct links to applications and software that do the respectful treatment of your data,” said the description.


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