Saturday, May 2, 2015

Bad news for Mars travelers “Cosmic radiation caused … –

US researchers found mice exposed to streams of particles with high energy, similar to that in galactic cosmic rays. Apparently, the jets plunged damaged the nervous system and the performance of the mice

The rodents were briefly in a stream of oxygen with high energy particles and titanium placed in the space radiation laboratory of American space agency Nasa.. Then they were back to the lab for research of Professor of Oncology at the University of California Charles Limoli sent. In the space usually get the particles of galactic cosmic rays arise from exploding stars.

Decreased performance and memory

Exposure to the particles caused inflammation in the brains of mice. That affected the smooth passage of signals through the neurons. The communication network of the animals were weak, as shown by brain scans.

Decreased performance, loss of memory and alertness and focus during spaceflight may affect important activities of the mission, “the researcher told The Guardian. “Exposure to such particles can have adverse long-term implications for cognitive functions.

Six weeks after exposure, the mice had fewer dendritic synapses: structures stabbing of neurons and carry electrochemical signals. The charged particles were found to affect these nerve branches and to stop what sorrow to effects similar to those of neurodegenerative diseases such as alzheimer .

To assess the impact of changes in the brains of the to study the behavior of animals, the mice were placed in containers with toy. Then the scientists changed the types of toys or their positions. The mice that were hit by charged particles were less curious, less active and faster confused than the control animals.

Do not Fall escape “

” The current data show that certain cognitive disorders can be developed through radiation, “the researchers write in the report published in Science Advances . “This is not good news for astronauts a two- to three-year round trip to Mars have ahead of us, ‘says Limoli.

It may take a while before similar problems in astronauts, but astronauts on a long trip to Mars may be at risk, he warns in the British newspaper.

The recent study builds on previous research in animals suggests that long spaceships probably special protection from cosmic radiation need. However, that would only reduce the problem, says Limoli: “There is no escape.” There are other options developed, such as medication to protect the brains against the rays.

‘Manned missions do not exclude

“This is a problem that NASA must prepare’ continues Limoli. “It can evolve into anxiety disorders and ability to influence thinking problem. But these are probably subtle effects, which do not exclude plans for future manned space missions. “

Nasa must overcome many technological hurdles to send people to Mars. Still, the space agency will do all in the 2030s. So said Nasa chief Charles Bolden recently that the “ultimate focus of the trip to Mars and everything comes back on it.”

Stitching within 68 days

Still, the US agency is not the only organization to travel to Mars in prospect. The Dutch Mars One is planning. They want a permanent colony on the planet established in the 2020s and selects candidates to be part of the first crew, should the project succeed. On the website of the organization read a journey that would last between six and eight months. But scientists from MIT calculated according to The Guardian that as the mission is now planned, the first Mars One travelers would suffocate within 68 days. (WB)



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