Sunday, May 3, 2015

Android and iOS apps Easy To Put On To Windows 10 – Androidics

Microsoft Windows 10 Android apps Last week, Microsoft unveiled its new operating system Windows 10, which among other upcoming smartphones and tablets will run. Developers can now readily Android and iOS applications to convert Windows 10 applications



Microsoft has said that it is very easy for developers to Android and iOS applications to convert Windows 10. Android applications can almost one-to-one transfer. Also iOS applications can now be converted much easier and use tools such as Microsoft services such as Cortana and Xbox Live.

Windows Phone is not nearly as popular as Android and iOS. This is mainly because there are simply a lot fewer applications are available for Windows Phones. By making it easier for developers to release applications for Windows 10 smartphones and tablets, Microsoft hopes to attract more customers.

Though applications can now be relatively easily converted to Windows 10, there are some rules that developers must meet. This may mean in some cases, that there are still quite a lot of modifications and man-hours are needed to comply with the rules of Microsoft. It therefore remains to be seen whether Windows 10 will attract many new developers. It is expected that the first Windows 10 smartphones and tablets this summer appear on the market.

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