Friday, May 8, 2015

Unclear new ’112 application “- PC World

There is a lot of confusion about a new ’112 app ‘that was released yesterday. The app appeared not at all related to the real emergency, and the Ministry of Security & amp; Justice stated that it had not made the app. What about anyway? Computer Idee finds out how it is

What was released yesterday?

The new 112 app was launched yesterday. The app is from yesterday available through the App Store and Google Play. The SOS Alarm app should ensure that more lives can be saved. Many media brought the citizen aware of this news, but quickly arose confusion. There was read namely that the app is not in communication with the control room. But how is it actually that there is no connection?

What does the app?

The SOS Alarm app can be used in case of emergency. You can make an announcement example of a heart attack. The app uses the GPS location of your phone to see where you are. The idea is that volunteers then be turned around, which can then be quickly on the spot. These volunteers are registered counselors, who joined have registered with the National Register of Dutch with first aid skills.

At the same time the app calls to emergency number 112. The caller can tell what’s going on (like you normal when the emergency would do), but the app can also automatically via a strap to the alarm recite what your location is and what is going on. According to SOS Alarm is easy for people who for example do not know exactly what street they are, “for example, or stutter.”

Users of the app can also indicate what the emergency. Also you can indicate here what help you need. If you see a fire, you ask, of course, is not whether the police comes to extinguish the fire. According to SOS Alarm app, however, is intended primarily for first aid until the ambulance comes to you. It is crucial in as quickly as possible have someone on site, for example a heart attack.

According to SOS Alarm should a heart attack within 6 minutes resuscitation. If not, then it’s too late in most cases to save that person yet. In some cities, it takes longer for help is on the spot. When the aid workers warned away by the app, there’s as quickly as possible.

What does the app NOT

The app is not technically connected directly to the emergency room 112, although it seems that according to a number of videos. The foundation SOS Alarm has also not cooperated with the Ministry of Security & amp; Justice to develop the app, but did it himself. However, the foundation has discussed with the ministry, which according to SOS Alarm ‘enthusiastic response. ” In a response from the Ministry, it appears as that which pulls off his hands off the initiative, but according to a spokesperson that is not true. “As a government we guarantee that 112 is always accessible. With such a citizens’ initiative, we can not give that guarantee, so we advise people to always call 112 themselves. But we applaud when citizens themselves to provide more security. ” If you call 112, you will be connected to the national monitoring centers. Here you can also specify what kind of help you need. The control rooms should contact the appropriate emergency service and they can also enable aid workers to help the person in need.


What’s better than to call 112?

The organization also itself indicates that the app is not a substitute for 112. “That’s why you always automatically call the emergency center when the app used, “said Antoine Janssen of SOS Alarm. The app, however, sees to it that first voluntary helpers come to you – then the app in addition to calling 112. “It thus shortens the time you will be helped,” said SOS Alarm

Why is. The app then presented as a 112 app?

The confusion about the app created by conflicting messages. A number of promotional videos on the 112 Alarm app make it look like it is “an application of 112. Later, however, the Ministry placed a reaction, so it seemed like it wanted to make clear that shocked the app was not made by the ministry. However, should for legal reasons – the Ministry should ensure that 112 is reached. If that is achieved via an app from a third party, the government can not be held responsible.

The application was presented yesterday and particularly noted by the media as a new 112 app. If anyone is thinking of 112, he will think of the emergency services that you come to the rescue. Not the rescuers who happened to be around to save you. That makes the app quite confusing. SOS Alarm has indicated it wants to save more lives, but the commotion that subsequently arose about the app, much criticism was leveled at the makers.


Complicated though … Should I use the app now or?

You can use the 112 best app. Indeed, it is a convenient and fast way to an accident to have a counselor on site – in some cases faster than an ambulance. Remember, however, that aid workers do the work voluntarily. The example (trained) First aider or first aiders who also after their time to stand idle. But an emergency, you should always go through 112 themselves pass – what the app does automatically

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