Tuesday, May 5, 2015

This May 5 also paid for ‘Internet freedom’ – Bright

Bits of Freedom launches this Liberation Internet Freedom Toolbox. And there’s a special lecture about Internet privacy.

bof.nl/toolbox are practical advice and tools to protect your liberty and privacy online. There are under more tips about encrypting your e-mail, on chat apps with strong encryption (not Whatsapp) and how to protect your privacy on public Wi-Fi networks. “Within a few minutes every internet user can be smartphone and laptop safer.”

But Bits of Freedom does more this May 5: in the Westerpark with design collective The Production Line launched the “Mobile Car Wash”: “A clean Mobile is a mobile that you can communicate without prying eyes. Call without being overheard, browsing without being tracked. Free your phone also unwanted lurkers!”


And finally, Bits of Freedom organizes the evening “Godwin lecture ‘by journalist and author Cory Doctorow. He will draw parallels between current developments and the past. The name of the lecture refers to the “law of Mike Godwin,” which states that every online discussion eventually leads to a discussion about World War II.

“Who dares discussions in comparison with the Second World War make, soon gets the blame to a “Godwin.” The negative connotations of the Godwin creates a taboo on any historical comparison. Bits of Freedom will break this taboo and believes that with a view to the past, the debate about state surveillance and privacy through historical awareness can bring even further. “

The lecture is streaming live from 20:30. The location is the Blue Star Artis Hall, which used the population was located. In 1943, the opposition staged an attack on this registry to prevent the very detailed personal files of Amsterdam would be in the hands of the occupier.


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