Friday, May 8, 2015

Russian cargo spacecraft burns up in the atmosphere – Het Nieuwsblad

The rudderless lost cargo spacecraft Progress M-27M is Friday morning in the atmosphere around the Earth landed and burned. That happened over the Pacific Ocean, about 900 km west of the Marquesas Archipelago, as a source from the Russian space flight industry known.


Pre reported the Russian space agency Roscosmos that the unmanned cargo during its 160th orbit was plunged into the dense layers of the atmosphere and was burned there. According to the US NORAD that the orbit of spacecraft monitors, the Progress held at 4:20 pm CET, with a margin of one minute, to exist.

Researchers assumed that the seven ton Weighing spacecraft would burn up completely. However, the parts in titanium and steel do not melt. It is not known whether scrap landed on Earth.

For high orbit

The cargo spacecraft was last Tuesday launched to supply the International Space Station but he got into a high orbit, also proved to be rudderless and fell uncontrollably off again.

An examination of the government explained the cause of the incident, in which 458 million was lost (but true The insurance will help out) temporarily at the carrier rocket Soyuz-2.1a. It is now waiting for an investigation of a state commission whose outcome will not be known later than May 13th.

Launch delayed

According to reports in the Russian the press is planned for May 26 launch of a manned Soyuz capsule to the ISS with an (albeit different type of Soyuz) postponed to July. In any case, canceled a news conference planned for Friday of the three crew members.

According to Deputy Chairman Aleksandr Ivanov of Roscosmos is the success rate of the Soyuz rocket launched 1,800 times 97.3 percent.


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