Saturday, May 2, 2015

Peter Middendorp ashamed: ,, I made a gruesome game of it ” – Dagblad van het Noorden

WESTERBORK – Peter Middendorp says ashamed of his column in The Times of Saturday, in which he both cattle cars in Camp Westerbork Remembrance ‘a lie’ calls. He left the piece after the noise on Twitter and the bewilderment of director Dirk Mulder immediately to pick up the site and apologized. Middendorp set moments later a more detailed motivation.

“Ten days ago told the director of the Memorial Center Camp Westerbork on the NOS radio news that he was a ‘original’ cattle car had won, and these exhibits now. The question was how well the original car was called. It is highly uncertain whether these people are really wagon or transported. And, more important, as I read later in an NIS report, “research has shown that most people from Westerbork carriages transported

I hit up to – why would you expose a cattle wagon. if that is not original, nor is it used? I decided to write a column in which I tried to argue that the Holocaust needs no exaggeration or intensification, on the contrary actually, because such a thing does nothing but detract from the horror.

The column has not responded mildly. People claimed that the Jews from Camp Westerbork indeed been transported with cattle cars. Startled, I looked after what I had written, and I caught myself on the first error. I wrote not “most people” are transported by passenger coaches, but “they went with a passenger train

This was very inaccurate and annoying.. Moments later, I read a line that I had not seen before in the NOS report: Kamp Westerbork wants to buy a passenger vehicle and exhibition. It is reality so just show, though it takes a little more.

This was the ground beneath my column completely gone, and frankly beneath me, the columnist. I do not know exactly how it happened – insanity, tunnel vision, too focused on things that confirmed my ideas, or simply too stupid to double check things well

I have in any case a horrible game. of it, and I’m ashamed of a lot for that. It is painful that it just happens with this subject – just had this extra care of me expected. My apologies to the newspaper, the reader and especially Memorial Center Camp Westerbork and the director, Mr. Mulder. “

Director Dirk Mulder of the Memorial Center Westerbork accepts the apology of Peter Middendorp. ,, I am glad he frankly admits his mistake. He hit the board on all fronts wrong. “Self Mulder may well have a knock. ,, But it’s blame survivors and relatives are confronted with this. Like something was afgepeuterd of tragedy. “

Dirk Mulder assumes that the Volkskrant Monday also offered in the newspaper apologized.


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