Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Not sleeping bag in store for Apple Watch –

Apple seems to want off of the phenomenon that fans all days ahead of time to stand in line for the Apple Store at product launches. In a leaked memo store personnel dedicated customers the convenience of online ordering pointing


“The days of waiting in the row and hope that the product is available, are over for our customers, “marketing director Angela Ahrendts writes in the memo that Business Insider as first published.

She notes that it is a significant change in way of thinking. They let the staff also know that need their help to make that happen. “Tell your customers that we have more available online, and show them how easy it is to order online. They’ll be happy. “

The memo is remarkable, because it seems that Apple no longer waiting on long lines for its shopping, and the additional publicity, with product launches. To outsiders seemed deficits for products on a PR stunt. It seemed to be part of a marketing strategy to make our products more popular and scarce they were actually.

Ahrendts notes in the memo that online customers know exactly where and when their product arrives . After the launch of the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus stocks were so limited that even weeks later, customers disappointed no product left the store.

The new sales director who made the last year transition from the British luxury brand Burberry Apple seems to customers wanting to save this disappointment in the future. By customers to order online, Apple can better manage the product flow into jobs. Although shortages still be possible, and customers have to wait for their products, they at least know that it is on the way and they do not waste time on a fruitless visit to the Apple Store



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