Tuesday, April 21, 2015

WhatsApp reaches milestone of 800 million active users – Techzine

WhatsApp is still immensely popular and still manages to increase its market share. Meanwhile, the popularity of messaging has grown further so that the service now has 800 million active users. Reported that the CEO of WhatsApp, Jan Koum, on Facebook.

WhatsApp does not suffer from declining user numbers, instead accelerates growth in active users correct. In January, WhatsApp announced that it had 700 million active users and now that number has risen to 800 million active users. That’s an increase of 100 million in about three months.

The growth of 600 to 700 million active users took about four months. The big question is which countries WhatsApp is currently growing so fast, about the company makes unfortunately unknown. In any case, it is clear that users are not massively dropped out after the acquisition by Facebook last year. WhatsApp was acquired last year by Facebook users and were then able to massively switch to alternatives such Telegram, because they were afraid for their privacy. That movement, however, has not put and WhatsApp is still the largest messaging service.

Since the acquisition is WhatsApp continued on the already chosen path. Facebook seems to have made few changes so far. WhatsApp messaging has also been made available in the browser on Android is a telephony feature added which can carry your VoIP calls on Android and the app is visually adapted to Material Design from Google.


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