Sunday, April 12, 2015

Wifi train better and faster –

UTRECHT – Good news for travelers who want to use their laptop during a train journey. The Wifi in the train will soon be in a large part of the Netherlands more stable and faster. NS begins this month with the replacement of the network in all intercity trains. During July, the job must be done.

The railway trains, which are currently in communication with T-Mobile’s 3G network, will soon switch to the more modern 4G.


Another measure is the introduction of a speed limit. Every user will soon have a maximum speed of 150 kilobytes per second. That’s enough for surfing, flaps and email, but not enough to stream example videos in high quality. Another advantage is the use of Internet services; Until recently it was not possible to watch You Tube for example, in the future Internet services are no longer blocked. The use of WiFi in the train remains free.


A disadvantage of T-Mobile’s 4G network is that it is not has nationwide coverage. In the north of the country, but also in New Zealand and parts of North Brabant and Limburg is no 4G from T-Mobile site. In those areas is WiFi in the train provisionally barely faster than now. T-Mobile says its 4G coverage to expand in June to very Limburg and a larger part of Gelderland and Overijssel.


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