Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Mysterious lights in Ceres by ice volcanos hold? –

By: Harmke de Vries
15-4-15 – 10:51
A picture of the dwarf planet Ceres © AFP.

More than a month after spacecraft Dawn luminous dots recorded on dwarf planet Ceres, scientists still breaking their heads over the mysterious phenomenon. The most common hypothesis is that gigantic ijsspuwende water volcanoes cause spots.

The color plate of Ceres © NASA / JPL-Caltech / UCLA / MPS / DLR / IDA.

The two luminous dots appearing in the picture are possible volcanic ijsuitbarstingen says planetary geomorphologist Sebastiaan de Vet AD. ,, This explosion can be compared to an eruption on Earth. Instead of lava, ice comes out of the crater. “” Scientists suspect that oceans appear on the dwarf planet.

NASA scientists suspect this. But surely this is far from. In order to clarify this mystery will spacecraft Dawn over a week to fly closer to the dwarf planet. The Fat hopes that scientists learn more about the planet. ,, Compare it with a plane: the closer you fly by the earth, the more detail you see ”

Fewer craters
Photos that made Dawn of Ceres. also provide new information about the landscape of the celestial body. It appears that the dwarf planet fewer craters than expected exists. In addition ,, Ceres consists of different compositions. These are shown on a color plate that NASA made of Ceres. “” De Vet says.

The object is located in the asteroid belt, the region between the plants Mars and Jupiter. The mission to Ceres is executed because little is yet known about the largest dwarf planet in our solar system. Until now, there were pictures of Ceres through telescopes. This is the first time that NASA is so close to the dwarf planet. ,, That makes this mission very exciting. ”


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