Friday, April 24, 2015

Chinese construction workers lay accidentally exposed dinosaur eggs –


In the Chinese city of Heyuan are construction workers on the fossils of 43 dinosaur eggs encountered. The men were a way to recover, which was built in red sandstone. They found the fossils a few meters below the road. Nineteen eggs were still intact.

Heyuan is a town in the mountainous province of Guandong, in the south-east China. The city calls itself the “home of the dinosaurs” because it has the largest collection of dinosaur eggs.

The new find the collection is even bigger. It is the first time that fossils have been found in the city center. Construction workers found the eggs in repairs to the streets below. The largest egg had a diameter of five inches.

Guinness World Record
In 2004, the local museum of Guandong was included in the Guinness Book of World Records. At that time, the museum housed 10,008 fossils. Since 1996, 17,000 fossils of eggs excavated.

Scientists are now studying the eggs to determine which dinosaur species they are. Previously found eggs in the area date from 65 to 89 million years ago and are Oviraptors and Hadrosauridae

Heyuan is not only a hotspot for dinosaur eggs:. Since in 2006 there were eleven fossil skeletons found, and nearly two hundred fossilized footprints.


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