Monday, April 27, 2015

Nokia: No plans for smartphones – Personal Computer Magazine

Nokia responds to earlier rumors that the Finnish company back in the smartphone market would step. That is not the case, says the company is now on his site.

Several sources suggested last week that Nokia 2016 weather itself is going to make smartphones when ending an agreement with Microsoft. The Nokia phones would run on Android.

However, there appears nothing of true, says Nokia. In a short and concise statement states that “there are no plans to make devices for consumer or to sell.” Words of a Chinese Nokia CEO would thereby be misinterpreted.


Where Nokia was once synonymous with the mobile phone, you now hear very little about the company. The Finnish manufacturer enjoyed for a long time on the popularity of its 3310 handset, but Nokia did not compete in the transition to smartphones from Apple and Google. Under Microsoft was still the Nokia Lumia line launched

Source:. Nokia



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