Thursday, April 16, 2015

Messenger collapsed to death on April 30 on Mercury – Tarumba!

Eleven years after launching the spacecraft Messenger April 30 will crash on Mercury. Using this probe, we know more below that on Mercury, the planet closest to the sun is water.

The probe will according to the US space agency Nasa at 14,000 miles per hour crashing collapse, on the side of the planet that is in the sunlight.

Messenger was launched in 2004, swooped past the planet three times in 2011 and came into orbit around Mercury. The probe is more than 4,100 times orbited around the planet.

Between 21 and 24 April will perform the control center for the four flight course corrections. At that time the brandstofnagenoeg will be exhausted.

Dark coat

“For the first time we have an adequate knowledge of Mercury,” said John Grunsfeld, chief scientific missions of NASA. “It’s a fascinating planet.” One of the finds of Messenger is that Mercury contains large amounts of ice, which is hidden in craters at the poles, where the sun does not recovers, and that also is under a dark layer of about 30 centimeters thick. Liquid water would be to not find the planet.

The Messenger project cost $ 446 million, plus or minus 416 million euros.

(Reuters / RR)

Source: Knack



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