Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Tesla was almost Google; bonje in the Telegraph – Sprout

1. Shareholder wants to split Telegraph

Bonje at Telegraaf Media Group (TMG), where investor Frank Botman Internet activities as Geenstijl, Jaap.nl Speurders.nl and wants to bring in a firm of which he himself is a major shareholder. Quote says Botmans plan to have seen the newspaper group to build. Botman would get a majority in the newly created instance. He also wants to get newspaper sections as Telesport and Private and stronger own face. Telegraph editor Sjuul Paradise opposes and probably fired, reports Quote.

2. Germans pushed over by iBood

The acquisition of the Dutch bargains site iBood by the German Media Saturn is not to everyone’s sense. Founder of the retail giant Erich Kellerhals says this is pushed through without permission from him and other shareholders and therefore illegal. According Kellerhals operates the (Dutch) Media Saturn Director Peter Haas arbitrary and he ignored even the no of the parent company Metro by purchasing a majority iBood despite the poor results there.

3. Musk Tesla had nearly sold to Google

It had only very nearly Tesla had fallen into the hands of Google. That seems to appear from next month book Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future . Early 2013 had Elon Musk effort to avert a collapse of its car plant, which was struggling with the delivery of its Model S. Musk negotiated with Google founder Larry Page on a price of $ 6 billion, plus a capital injection of an additional 5 billion . Just in time got the marketing sails again, Tesla was able to report its first quarter earnings and the deal was no longer needed.

4. Realty crowdfunden in Africa

Why not? The new crowd-fund site Realty Africa hopes to annually collect millions for investments in real estate and homes, hotels and factories in southern Africa. Founders Erik Eeten and Patrick Chella from the financial world and focus on projects in South Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe. Their own platform crowdfunden them, as we speak, through IndieGoGo.

5. Airbnb RV live

Where we did not have to Airbnb? Oh yes: for campers. Good entrepreneurs Mark Fox and Peeves Mijnlieff this week go live with Goboony, a platform on which RV owners can share their RV. “Where you can rent out your house only a few weeks in the year, you have a motor home only a few weeks in the year itself necessary. There is a lot more time to earn your camper, “says Fox. With Goboony he gives extra confidence to handle the payments, tenants and landlords to let each judge and to prescribe that everyone has a profile.

6. Google wants to thousands of internet balloons

Google has given an insight into his project ‘Loon’; the plan to bring the Internet with thousands of balloons to the two-thirds majority of the world that are not yet available. In a video we catch up on scaling up the balloon factory and the way of plates. Meanwhile, Google taps dozens of balloons a day from the height. The steering is also becoming more accurate, so that the rapid (LTE) mobile Internet connections can be really fast in operation.

7. And then this: letting your window as advertising space

No crazy idea of ​​Add My Window: students from almost all of the Netherlands can now generate revenue from offering their windows as advertising space. Before that brings the Hague startup window owners and advertisers together on his website, where window / advertising space can be offered and the advertiser can select from the A- B- or C locations where the message must be carried. The ads are printed on semi-transparent foil so that the students have some views.

So far the Sprout update on Tuesday April 21. See you tomorrow! Do not miss something or just want to respond? Do it below or on Twitter or Facebook.

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