Saturday, April 11, 2015

Are too fat also has good sides –

By: Editors Algemeen Dagblad
11-4-15 – 09:17
Archive Picture for illustration © anp.

Obesity has many health risks, but there’s a good side to be too thick. It reduces the risk of dementia, according to a study of two million Britons which was published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet. The thicker the man, the less likely to develop dementia.

Even if the chance dementia overweight is smaller, then you might not live long enough to exploit that advantage

Nawab Qizilbash

Of the two million people were on average 2.4 per year demented. Obese people have according to the survey, 29 percent lower risk of dementia than people with normal weight. For the skinny man there is bad news. Who weighs 20 pounds less than normal, runs a 34 percent greater risk of dementia.

The study was conducted by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. They have the files of nearly two million people are analyzed with an average age of 55 years. People are followed for two decades, which looked at the body weight and the number of times that there was dementia within the various weight classes.

The results were a surprise, even for the researchers themselves. ,, The outcome is opposite to most if not all of the studies that have been done. But our study is larger and more precise than all other examinations together, ” said lead researcher Nawab Qizilbash told the BBC. One explanation for the outcome the researchers did not have. This requires further studies.

Do not count realm
But overweight people should count on it too, the researchers warn. Obesity increases the risk of heart attacks, stroke, diabetes and various cancers. ,, Even if the risk of dementia overweight is smaller, then you might not live long enough to exploit that advantage, ” said Qizilbash.

Healthy life and maintain a normal weight, is still the world touted as the best medicine for dementia. The disease is increasing worldwide as more people reach old age. A cure for dementia is at this moment not yet.


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