Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Extraterrestrial signals are puzzling mathematical pattern – Informed circles

A series of radio signals from space is found to follow a mathematical pattern. The series is always a multiple of 187.5. The chances of that happening by chance is 5 to 10,000. Scientists are puzzled, writes the AD.

The signals are Fast Radio Bursts (FRB’s) and were first noted in 2007. The FRB’s last only a few milliseconds, but there is much energy by free as the sun in a month.

One possible explanation for the pattern of radio pulses is that they come from extraterrestrial life, but that chance is very small, according to scientists. “We think that the signals come from an exploding star or two stars merge,” says Maura McLaughlin of the University of West Virginia at FOX News.

The signals are transmitted over a wide range of frequencies. That hardly advantage when it comes to extraterrestrial life and communication is probably not done intentionally, thinks McLaughlin. “Besides, would need lots of aliens strength to send the signals. They should absorb multiple suns energy.


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