Sunday, April 19, 2015

Moore’s Law, beacon chip industry, 50 years –


It is Sunday 50 years ago that a researcher in California, Gordon Moore, a detailed article published in the journal celebrating Electronics magazine about computer chips. Among the few celebratory headline “Cramming more components onto integrated chips” (More parts cram integrated semiconductors) Moore predicted in the old magazine that the number of transistors doubles every two years, while the cost of the chip are the same.

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The physicist and chemist Moore proved to be a seer and his statement was as Moore’s Law a basis for the chip industry. As founder of the Intel chip plant, he has also done huge business in the rapidly growing technology sector.

The 86-year-old billionaire Moore is retired. He provided his 1965 article arrive a whole series of technological inventions, except the Internet. In an interview on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of his law, Moore said that “the only innovation that I have not provided, which has really surprised me, is the significance of the Internet”



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