Saturday, April 11, 2015

“Obesity reduces dementia risk ‘-

People who are overweight are less likely to later dementia. To this surprising conclusion scientists after a large-scale study of nearly two million Britons


A research team from Oxon Epidemiology and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine two decades studied the medical records of as many as 1,958,191 people averaging 50 years. The scientists also own words, somewhat surprised by their findings, which run straight against the current health advice.


The analysis showed that underweight people 39% more at risk dementia compared to those with a healthy weight.

Then looked at the group of overweight (BMI 25-29, 9) . When it was really interesting: this group was 18% less likely to have dementia. In people with obsitas (BMI 30 to 39.9) this reduced risk was even 24%.

An explanation for the protective effect of overweight and obesity is not there yet. There is evidence that a lack of vitamin D and E increases the risk of dementia. May have serious people there less often suffer from.

‘No excuse’

” Anyway, this is a surprising result, ” admits principal investigator Nawab Qizilbvash opposite the BBC . ” Exactly the opposite of the results in almost all previous studies. But our study extends above it there in terms of sample size and accuracy. ”

Qizilbvash further emphasizes that all this is not an excuse to stop you full. ” Obesity may perhaps in this area have a protective effect, but the fact remains that many overweight people often anyway not live long enough such ” to benefit … ‘benefits’

Dementia is one of the biggest health problems of our time. The number of patients worldwide is expected to triple to 135 million in 2050. There is as yet no treatment or cure

All about dementia



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