Saturday, April 4, 2015

Mysterious lunar eclipse, blood moon, five minutes –

By Marja Verboket
Mysterious lunar eclipse, moon blood of five minutes in the United States, Hawaii, New Zealand, Australia and parts of Asia

<.. p> At 14.00 hours Dutch time there is on the other side of the world to see a rare blood moon. The earth moves between the sun and the moon and the whole eclipse lasts only 5 minutes. This lunar eclipse is complete and ensures that the moon is an orange-red glow. Rare is the phenomenon because not every moon leads to a blood moon.

The blood moon is seen in the weekend of the Jewish Passover and the Christian Easter. The Bible contains many stories about blood moons. There are theories about the coincidence of the unique lunar eclipse and the end of time.

The lunar eclipse is not visible in the Netherlands.



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