Thursday, April 2, 2015

Children increasingly glasses by excessive tablet use – Overclockers

Children need increasingly to glasses because they increasingly look to tablets and smartphones. This is evident from long study of more than 5,000 children, the most serious tablet users have significantly worse eye.

In the study, more than 5,000 children 6 years followed from birth. They mainly looked at how children spend their time on tablets and smartphones. The children who are daily more than 2 hours behind a computer screen, are more often myopic.

eye growth

The eyes of children remain in the first years of life just growing. When a child long looks at a screen, the eyes need to adjust more often. Thereby grow eyes in such a way that children are myopic at a young age and have more and more difficulty reading long distance, for example in the classroom.


According to the researchers, the time spent by children the main cause of the problem. Children are increasingly outside, and use more technology to play games or to read.

Less outdoor play

The researchers also found that myopic children were on average longer behind a computer, and that they are much less time playing outdoors than non-myopic children. Myopic children used an average of 45 minutes per day a computer (compared to 33 minutes for non-myopes), and played more than 40 minutes less outside.

The scientists recommend to use a maximum of 30 minutes per day of a tablet or smartphone. In addition, children should also be at least 30 inches away from the screen to keep


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