Saturday, April 4, 2015

Shortest lunar eclipse of the century –

Residents on the other side of the world were sat witnessed the shortest lunar eclipse at least of the century. The full moon came to stand in the shadow of the earth, but the eclipse lasted only 5 minutes. It was the shortest eclipse of the century and the third total eclipse in a row.

Totally dark the moon was. Sunlight scattered by the atmosphere of the earth, colored moon red, so that a so-called “blood moon was visible.

Next embezzlement

The eclipse began 14:00 Dutch time and was be seen everywhere in the United States, New Zealand, Australia, Hawaii and parts of Asia.

The next total eclipse on 28 September 2015. Then again see a blood moon and can in Netherlands are noted. This also brings an end to the series full eclipses and follows a series of partial eclipses.


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