Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Google PacMan, tanner and a beer pipeline – the weather is April 1 –

Today is April 1: time for many jokes. make a selection of the best (and worst) April 1 joke. Although the day is still long, jokes have been around unnecessarily. Google Panda, the face tanner and a coffee maker with voice control, all pass in review

Almost everyone knows them:. The loose shoelace, open fly or gel on the door handle. It’s the classic jokes where little preparation needed and where still many people intuinen. For those who have a little more time, the air horn is between the wall and the door or a nice toothpaste between Oreo cookies. But online is also done much to April 1: an overview.


A little look up the destination using Google Maps before you go. The plate ‘satellite’ lower left still just clicks, so you have leads on the go. But hey, is there PacMan? Indeed. The internet has popular game added to Google Maps so you can play through the streets PacMan:

 Photo AP / Screenshot Google Maps

PacMan through the streets. AP Photo / Screenshot Google Maps

Voice Control

The coffee machine. The device normally be the conversations of the day, the music station Q-music now used for an April 1st joke. It’s that simple. A sign with the text: “Test a new coffee maker. This device is a test device and works with voice control “a hidden camera there et voilà. April 1 is unforgettable.

Talking Engine

In Japan, it was already a few hours before 1 April and also because Google pulled a prank. On the YouTube page of the Internet company was placed an introduction movie of Google Panda. Panda in the video by Google employee Chris Yerga presented as a speech-driven search engine:

“Google Panda is designed with the best emotional and speech intelligence there is. You just need to decide what comes to mind. “

In the video also comes another Google employee spoke, who talks about the various features of Google Panda. The copy is available in multiple sizes. You can choose between the smaller Google Panda Google Panda 5 and 6.

Food delivery by drone

BBC News reports on the website that the Breda snack Kwalitaria future fries per drone late delivery. No delivery on a scooter more at the door, but a drone that will grip your supper. The snack bar looks a gap in the market:

“Our colleagues in the US went for us all. The expectation is that we have nationwide coverage by the end of 2016 our new concept. “

The unmanned aviation harness brings order within ten minutes the door. People who live from less than one kilometer from the snack bar, can apply for the special delivery:

Digital tanner

Tour operator Neckermann reported in a press release that they enter into a partnership with Online tanning application The tour company hopes its customers to facilitate better, even in the period just before and after their vacation. The idea is simple: the current generation of displays (LED, OLED and AMOLED) is so advanced that they are suitable to transmit UV radiation. By a simple adjustment in the color profile is the screen of a computer, tablet or smartphone henceforth be used as solarium.

 Photos Neckermann / UltravioLED

The digital facial tanner. Photo Neckermann / UltravioLED

Stray bear

Diergaade Blijdorp did this morning a press release out the door stating that a bear was loose in the park:

“Several employees had in their inattention not noticed that there is a bear park was slipped.”

The bear would during his walk through Rotterdam Zoo many visitors the convulsions have hunted on the body:

“I was really perplexed. After my first cup of coffee of the day I quietly walked a tour of the zoo. A rustle in the bushes caught my interest and I stood transfixed:. Face to face with a giant bear “

Fortunately, one of the caretakers mercy on the lost bear him the right way out. It turned out to be “The Bezorgbeer” a company that brings around meals.

simplest mobile operating system ever

Microsoft can not stay behind: it has its’ simplest mobile operating system “ever made: MS-DOS Mobile. The operating system has a simple installation: as an app on Windows Phone.

Letter Money past

Vodafone today the introduced SmartConvert. It can be seen as the new pay. No more difficult to do with your wallet and bills. The SmartConvert has the ability to scan bills and so now you can pay with your mobile. It sounds nice, but it’s obviously a joke:

beer bottle cap with wifi

The brewers of the Australian beer: Hahn Super Dry announced today something revolutionary. Twitter reveal them to come because in the short term with a beer bottle cap with a Wi-Fi receiver.

Funniest Music Videos

The site MUZU, a platform for music videos, especially for today has compiled a playlist of “funny” music videos. Include Eminem and Fatboy Slim are reflected in the list:

Funniest Music Videos on MUZU.TV.

Sweater for the loser

The ASO, the organizer of the Tour de France, kicks off with a new jersey for the Tour de France. A gray sweater with a red lantern on it. The rider who is last in the standings may arrange to cheer this summer on stage. Between the real winners:

No beer shortage more on Black Cross

Grolsch announces that they are going to build the longest underground beer line in the world. The guidance is intended to convey an innovative and sustainable way beer. The pipeline runs from the brewery in Enschede at the Festival Grounds, Black Cross, forty kilometers away:

“For years, the long convoys of tankers needed during Zwarte Cross beer drinkers to provide an eyesore. “

Unlimited eat pate

Cineville, a partnership of movie theaters in Amsterdam, Haarlem, The Hague, Delft and Rotterdam and Utrecht, has launched a new Unlimited subscription for pâté: Paté with Unlimited allows members to nineteen per month unlimited craft pate food. According Cineville Pate Unlimited responds to a growing need among kwaliteitspaté patéliefhebbers:

“There’s so much sameness. We have decided to focus exclusively on traditional pâté. Nothing against supermarktpaté course, but consumers are currently looking for authentic regional and real experiences. We meet this need “

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April 1

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