Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Extraterrestrial signal puts science to riddle – The Latest News

By: editors
7/04/15 – 23u24 Source: AD.nl
© Think stock.

Scientists are puzzled now a series of radio signals a remarkable mathematical pattern from space seems to follow. The chances of that happening by chance is only five to ten thousand. Possible explanation? Extraterrestrial life.

The signals are called Fast radio bursts (FRB), which last only a few milliseconds. Despite their short duration bringing them according to scientists as much energy as the sun makes for a whole month. The first signal of the mysterious series was observed in 2007.

Scientists use so-called distribution units to measure the distance radio signals have traveled in space. Remarkably, those units with the signals of the current series is a multiple of 187.5. The researchers understand nothing of

One possible explanation is that the radio pulses coming from alien life.; especially because the likelihood is that the five to ten thousand signals happen to form a series. However, the scientists do not want that. “We think the signals come from an exploding star or two stars merge,” said Maura McLaughlin of the University of West Virginia at FOX News.

More research needed
According to another researcher’s statement is only sought by aliens when all other possibilities have been ruled out. “I would bet my money on a satellite of the government as the source of the signals, not a natural phenomenon,” says John Learned of the University of Hawaii. He says more research is needed to draw proper conclusions. That are critics of the extraterrestrial life theory agree with him. They emphasize that the series consists of only eleven signals; which is actually a very small number of observations.

Researcher McLaughlin finds it impossible that aliens have sent the series. Namely, they are transmitted over a large number of different radio frequencies. That hardly advantage when it comes to communication and is thus likely not happen deliberately, she thinks. “Besides, would need lots of aliens strength to send the signals. They should absorb multiple suns energy.”


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