Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Behavior Course replaces controversial alcohol lock – Elsevier

                 Alcohol caught directors should receive an alcohol interlock will get now imposed a behavioral course or aptitude test. The controversial alcohol lock is averted.

These should get about 2,300 caught drivers who actually built an alcohol interlock.


Instead, they need to CBR (CBR) to conduct a course on the risks of drinking and driving. Whether they should undergo an aptitude test that could cause someone not to drive.

The estimated more than 3,500 new cases a year are imposed one of these alternative measures. Moreover, the prosecution will (OM) prosecute them criminally. Particular attention shall be taken into account that the alcohol lock can not be imposed, allowing the sentencing against drink drivers possibly going up.

This is evident from a letter from Minister of Infrastructure Melanie Schultz van Haegen (VVD) they Wednesday to the Lower House wrote.

Motorists who have been integrated alcolock complaining for years about the drastic measure. But now they get support from the highest courts of the land. The Supreme Court ruled earlier this year that the alcohol lock such a heavy punishment is that it is not disciplinary, but a criminal measure. The driver caught then also prosecute criminal is punished twice for the same offense.

The State Council made mincemeat of the alcohol interlock. According to the highest administrative court in imposing the alcohol lock everyone lumped together and looks too little to personal circumstances. For a student without a car and track has an alcohol interlock less profound effects than a truck driver.

The debt

How radically the measure may be, says truck driver Michael Nijhuis (32). After an evening drinking beer with a friend, he was stopped by the police and he had to blow. He was fined 1,250 euros, became lost his license for six months and was obliged to participate in the alcohol lock program, which lasted two years.

“It has cost me everything about 10,000 euros together ‘ , treasure Nijhuis. “The cost for the lock itself, the analysis of the interim tests and the costs to my lawyer.”

Finally, the installation of an alcohol in the truck could not. Because Nijhuis worked as freelancer, fell from one day to his earnings away. Nijhuis got into debt up. “I can not work two and a half years and is now definitely for three years in the debt restructuring. All in all it took me six years of my life. ” He thinks the punishment is not proportionate to what he has done.

more wrong than good

The problems with the car lock is not only confined to the application of the penalty. Even with the lock itself, seems like a lot to be wrong. For example, the device stores on all kinds of alcohol, not only on beverage. Nijhuis: “I had just gained perfume in the car and had to blow, and tested positive. I immediately called the police, but they had no time for an alcohol test. An employee of the emergency service of the CBR laughed my story away: perfume you would not do in the car

In addition, the device any time to ask for an audit?. Also, if someone is in the middle of traffic. Which dangerous situations that can result, this movie shows.


And then there are concerns about the monopoly position of the company as the only the alcohol lock the CBR may build. The high cost (up to 5,000) other companies could probably go down as well would be allowed to make the final.

There seems to be too short a lot wrong with a measure that would road safety according to the government need to improve. Yet Minister Schultz van Haegen writes the alcohol lock not final in the refrigerator. This summer she comes with a customized version of the measure. Until that time offenders will receive replacement measures. For the 11,500 drivers who were given an alcohol interlock final, nothing changes. They should thus continue or be temporarily lose their license if they do not.


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