Friday, April 3, 2015

Apple again dependent on Samsung to manufacture iPhone 6S ‘-

Anonymous sources tell Bloomberg that the South Korean company A9 processor for the new iPhone will produce.

There have long been rumors that Apple will regain Samsung had knocked for the production of chips. Bloomberg that has an impeccable reputation for rumors surrounding Apple confirms these posts now.

Last year, Apple chose for the first time in a long time for Samsung, but for chipmaker TSMC in the production of iPhone-chips. The competition between Apple and Samsung ran the last few years to reach a peak and there was also a global patent war with.

Important Customer

This year, Apple will thus still knocking again at Samsung . The contract would have been already signed. To meet the full production works Samsung with partner GlobalFoundries who can help with a license on the production technology of Samsung in making the chips.

Apple is a very important customer are for the chip division of Samsung . According to analysts, the industry this year, a profit of around 850 million books, compared with a loss of 850 million euros last year.


Samsung used this year for the own Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge also has its own processor that produces itself. The company has invested heavily last year in the chip division. Inter alia, for converted 14 billion a new chip plant being built near Seoul.

According to Bloomberg Apple gave last year nearly $ 24 billion on chips, which the company accounted for 7.6 percent of total purchases in the market.

Apple would choose this year for Samsung because it produces the most efficient chips. The processor have transistors on a scale of 14 nanometers. TSMC was reportedly still using 20 nanometer and smaller the scale, the more efficient the chip.

Recently, it was still known that Apple was one of the five largest sources of revenue for Samsung in 2014.

Three iPhones

Bloomberg still says that if Samsung producing all Apple chips can not handle, the company may still will seek a second producer. Apple will A9 chip probably also start using new iPads. Moreover, this year three iPhones expected: the iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus and a smaller iPhone 6C which recently leaked photos



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