Friday, March 20, 2015

“This year Samsung sells 55 million Galaxy S6 copies’ –

That predicts DRAMeXchange, the memory and opslagtak research firm Trend Force, the Korea announces Herald .

The expectation Trend Force by 20 percent adjusted upwards after positive reception from consumers . The Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge were the beginning of March and are presented from April 10 in stores.

According to Trend Force Samsung is going into the second quarter of 2015 to sell some 22.2 million copies of its new flagship, 5 million more than previously expected.

There were already rumors that Samsung has cranked the production of its latest handsets after a higher than expected number of orders from providers. According to reports, Samsung would be in the months of March and April already produce 13 million copies.

Trend Force assumes that the S6 also remains popular after the second quarter with a projected sales of 16.2 million units in the third quarter. End of September, Samsung would therefore have sold 38.4 million copies

For comparison. The Galaxy S4 were sold 40 million in the same period in 2013. About the Galaxy S5 last year figures are little known, except that it would have done worse than the S4.

In the fourth quarter of 2015, when probably will also be introduced iPhone 6S, Samsung will still expected 12.5 million units of the Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge to sell

See photos, video and our first impression of the Galaxy S6

Comparison:. The difference between Galaxy S6, S5, iPhone 6 and HTC One M9



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