Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Eneco test heating households server heat – NU.nl

That makes the company announced on Tuesday.

Eneco for testing an interest in the Dutch startup Nerd Alize. How are that important, is not known.

Nerd Alize was founded in 2013 and offers a cloud platform that works with servers that are spread over several households. The heat these servers generate during the count can be used to heat homes

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Eneco test server radiators

type servers

In March and April such servers will be placed in five families. The first servers come by Nerd Alize behalf of the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC). So it comes to servers that provide computing power, no data is stored in people’s homes. LUMC uses the servers, for example, protein research.

According to Eneco, the servers that look like radiators, provide enterprises and institutions to cost savings of 30 to 55 percent because they do not charge for housing and cooling of the servers.

Also it is heated with environmentally friendly servers. With regard to the households should yield in terms of cost will become apparent during the test. A spokesman could not say when the test is finished and in what time the server radiators can be further rolled out

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The servers can be placed against an outside wall, because then through holes in the wall excess heat can be dissipated. The household must also be connected to fiber optics. According Nerd Alize servers have no impact on the internet speed. The servers work according to the companies completely silently

By:. NU.nl/Colin Corner


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